Tuesday 30 July 2013

Beginning of a beautiful friendship

...A.K.A finding my inner nerd!

I'm starting a beautiful new relationship with Google+ and Blogger!
This is the first day of Minja as a blogger, and the beginning of the journey, as we know, is always the hardest part. Yes, starting...

As I'm writing my first official blog-post now, I'm thinking that I should write about the beautiful things in the world,  but trying to find something good about trying to be a super-nerd with blogging-superpowers is hard. I almost need superpowers to find my inner nerd! But oh yes, there it is. In a long relationship with Facebook. Now I need to start my life with Google+ and Blogger, and only thing I'm thinking about is "Facebook is gonna be so jealous!" :D

Ok, I found at least one beautiful thing about starting this blog: learning to locate the nerd in me!
But if anyone has bigger geek-powers, please help me to make my blog better!

Lately I have been thinking aboit blogging a lot, you know, because I always have so much to say, but I also realized that I have never been reading blogs... I have never thought it before now. Blogs are a totally new world to me, and blogging is a lifestyle that I have never even thought about trying before this year. Of course I had some "distant dreams" about collecting my pictures to one place, and sharing it with different people, but that I would actually start writing a blog - Hahaha don't make me laugh, dear Imagination!

The meaning of this blog is clear to me - Beautiful World.
...But I would also like to start a blog about fashion, hairstyles, decorating, nail-fashion and everything shallow and girly :D
Oh yes, and then of course food-blog would be something that I would love to write!

Does anyone have an opinion? I don't :D

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