Tuesday 30 July 2013

Love at first sight

This blog is all about beautiful scenery, beautiful places, beautiful things and beautiful moments. So, in one sentence, "Heaven On Earth".

I'm going to share some of the most breath-taking moments with you :)

Like, my love at first sight. South-Korea. I have always loved the Asian culture, since I was a little girl. Even my first imaginary friends was Asian! Well, I had dreamed about moving to Korea for a long, long time, and in 2012 I finally got the chance. The first sight I saw was... Clouds!

Oh darling honey baby Korean clouds, I'm home! <3 

I always knew that I want to live in South-Korea, and I think that my mind and body knew that, too. I didn't have any kind of jetlag or culture-shock. Not even after 2 days of flying. 

My long flight went like this:
Helsinki, Finland - Milan, Italy - Hongkong, Hongkong - Busan, South-Korea

After spending many hours inside the airplane (and airports), I was happy to feel some fresh air on my face, and ground under my feet! Haha, but no culture-shock. The air and the ground were both very welcoming and understanding. 

 Well, here's some more Korean clouds!

And the mountains, and the sea, and the islands...
Everything is just so beautiful!

Gimhae-airport in Busan.

I arrived there early in the morning, and it was already sunny and oh so warm! Actually not warm, hot. It was a sunny friday, end of August 2012, and the hottest time of the summer was just passing.

When I remember my first day in Korea, the strongest memory is... well, one word, HOT!
I'm not talking about just the weather :D
Just kidding, just kidding! But really.

When I left Finland, I had a scarf because the day was so cold. I would have been wearing a jacket, but I didn't because I'm stubborn. Plus I knew that it would be burning hot in Korea, and it was. But damnit, I still love Korean summer and all the beauty it brings! <3

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