Tuesday 13 August 2013

Good days

This chapter is mostly about me walking around the city and photographing some of my favourite places. Enjoy.

This is one of my favourite roads in Haeundae, because it has this nice bridge built over it. It's nice to watch the traffic from here, especially during the evenings.

You can also see the starting point of the big Gwangan bridge from here.

Ah the sunset.

Yes, that's the view that I want to see! The tall buildings and sunset make it so beautiful, I can't explain but this is something that I like to watch, and I also like the sounds of the traffic.

The first trees are telling us that the blooming season is already here. Unfortunately the cherry blossom-season will be a lot later, but these trees are also awesomely beautiful with the small, cute and pure white flowers.

This particular tree was my favourite during the days when no other tree in the city was blooming yet :D

These tall buildings near Haeundae's Marine city are awesome. Still not as tall as the tallest buildings there, the new super-skyscrapers or whatever... Because those are pretty huge. 

And the ex-tallest-buildings, can't remember the name. Those the only the second most huge thing around Haeundae nowadays.

Or does someone's ego count? Because there is one ahjussi around the beach who titles himself as Mr. Busan and wears way too small swimming trunks...

Is it a plane, a bird?
No it's superman. I hope.

Well this street is along my way to the beach. I always like walking around here, because it feels like I'm in a really big city. Well, I am. Busan is pretty big. But this place is still nice, and for some reason I like walking around here.

That superman should save me from getting fat at Tom n' Tom's all the time...

Well, here we are again. I love this place, and I love sitting in a café with a sea-view, but hey, who wouldn't.

Mmmm the plants there look pretty tasty, too.

Tom n' Tom's with some nice sea-view.

And also CVS, one of my favourite little 24h shops, I always bought some delicious chocolate-covered pumpkin seeds from there <3

Pumpkin seeds, pumpkin soup... Pumpkin whatever is my favourite forever!

Tiffany21 ready to sail away.

 This boat (or an evening spent on it with a special person) gave me some of the best memories ever.

Haeundae center.

Well, this is a place where I always hang out and that's it. Great place.

These are my hoods!

Beautiful night in Haeundae.

Nothing to add, it's just beautiful.

This is one of the places where I've been taking a long evening walk so so soooo many times during living in Haeundae.

Well, I don't really even know what this is all about. But this is outside Paradise hotel, and I like all these lights around here.

Ok ok, I'm a big Christmas-fan, so of course I love these lights.

On our way to Dalmaji hill!

At this point it felt like summer already, I remember. The sun and the asphalt made the air so warm that it was too much to wear a jacket. I always love the first days when it's too hot to wear a jacket, but it's still not so hot that you begin missing winter.

That's why spring is absolutely the best time of the year.

Oh I have so many pictures of this place, right?

This is one of the new, awesome buildings that are made to praise the Korean traditional building techniques and styles.

And looks at the cute, little bushes with all the red and orange leaves, how pretty is that! I want those to my yard.

Climbing to a hill to see the city-view from a bird-perspective.

I can see such a great scenery already!

These big buildings here are the tallest skyscrapers around Haeundae nowadays. When this picture was taken, they weren't ready, not even as tall as they are today, but they became pretty impressive, I must say. 

Again a gorgeous view to Haeundae beach. And on the right, a really nice Japanese restaurant that I wanted to visit many times, but I always settled for stalking the chefs during their break.

No more information about that :D

Gwangan bridge, Dongbaek island, Marine city and Haeundae beach. All in the same picture.

Oryukdo islets.

 During a bright, clear day it's possible to see islands and mountains that are really far away.

A gorgeous place for an afternoon stroll.

Not that any other place in Haeundae wouldn't be, but this is extra-amazing.

I could stay here for hours everyday, never getting tired of this place. The view is just too amazing to understand. Maybe pictures don't even  show how beautiful this actually is, but I can tell you... Seeing this IS great.

Before the Moontan road started blooming. Usually when you see pictures from this place, all the trees are white and everywhere you can see and smell the cherry blossoms. 

And if you're thinking "why are the benches turned to face the forest", the reason is not the forest. It's the amazing sea-view behind the forest. This time of the year there is not so many trees with big leaves, so it's easy to see the ocean from this bench.

Walking over this bridge is always a little interesting. This could be a very good place for a suicide... At least I feel a little scared when I walk here, the sidewalk is really narrow, the wind here might be strong sometimes, and the railing is not really all that good.

But the view to the sea is good!

"Excuse me... What?"

"Welcome to... where?" 

I think that this is a doghouse outside a restaurant, where people can leave their dogs to wait while they eat. This picture might show a wrong kind of signal...

This is just a pretty house.
If it wouldn't be so close to the busy road, I would absolutely want to live here.

Hmmm I just started dreaming about a baby-pink wooden house with a big terrace...

Oh! We moved to a new apartment! 

This is the "lounge area" of the building. Well the view is great, but there is no water-machine! I love water-machines and I need them to live.

In Finland it's so sad that I can't get icy cold water straight from a machine. That would be awesome.

Btw, we got a new water-machine after few days of living without it.

The laundry- and wash-area in the first floor. 

The view to the fresh forest from here is really good! I can't think about more peaceful place to live than right next to a mountain, view to a forest from every window we have.

Well occasionally there is some ahjummas hiking around five in the morning.

View to Dalmaji hill from another bigger hill.

Those new big houses are really beginning to look huge! The whole hill looks so small because the houses are so big.

I can't really think about a better place to spend some time during spring, dreaming about warm summer.

Why didn't I experience any sunsets in this place? It would have been so good!

Actually this hill is pretty high above the city and you have to use lots of stairs to get up there, and those were a little our of condition, so they had to close the place and do some repairing.

So... Damn.

On our way to Songjeong beach!

This road is one of the best places to take a walk, but it won't be a pleasure, because it's all hills hills hills. Hills everywhere.

People with cars must like it more. This is a perfect road for a romantic evening drive during full moon and cherry blossoms. Still I rather walk.

Well well, what is this scenery then, if not our very own Songjeong beach!

This early in the spring I don't really want to swim, and there is no cherry blossoms either, but it's still beautiful.

 Hahaha, a bird-friend.
Looks like a bullfinch, right?

This is just a really random shot. Where is this even? Somewhere between Dalmaji hill and Songjeong beach, yes, but I don't come here often. But it's still a nice street!

And a very nice sunshine today!

Finalle we reach Songjeong beach.

Here we can see some of the ocean bottom, because the water is so low right now. 

Just random stairs.

Wait, it's not just any random stairs! These are the stairs that I always enjoyed walking up and down. Here I always felt that there is no hurry, I'm just enjoying a sunny day or a starry night, photographing and watching the waves crashing over the rocks near the beach.

That's one of the sentences that I really love: "Oh there's no hurry."

Say that more often, please.

And it's so green around here!

Busan is full of these fantastic trees with leathery leaves, that stay green all year round.

That makes the city feel like it's always summer. Except that it might be even minus degrees sometimes, that definitely doesn't feel like summer, but hey, everything still looks green!

Some people are fishing here, and I would like to try it too, it looks fun. Especially when the waves are high and you have to watch out for the splashes...

Yes, that looks so much fun.


The path on the left takes us to the top of the hill, to an observation deck, and the one on the right takes us near the sea. That's where we are going.

This is the way we have chosen.
Just because I love the sea so much, and today it's nice and windy, so we should be able to see some big waves (and we did).

There are some of the waves.

This scenery...

Does someone have words for this?
Maybe for a person who doesn't love the sound of the big waves, or a person who hates warm sunshine and good views doesn't like this place.

For many reasons this place became one of my favourites in Busan. One of the reasons is the beauty, another one is the peaceful feeling here, and the rest of the reasons... That would be worth a novel!

This hill is just so lovely.

This is one of the small paths leading to to the top of the small hill. I have spent so many good evenings there, and I wish to spend many more.

During the evening this is a great place for example to have a romantic date.

What can I say about this?

It's just beautiful.

If you have seen the disaster movie called "Haeundae", this might look familiar to you.

For me this scenery is not from a disaster movie. It's a place where I feel so small while I'm looking at the huge ocean in front of me.

If you have time, watch my videos of this place :)

The waves here are awesome, and the sounds they make are even more awesome.

Some view to Songjeong beach.

Can't see many people sunbathing or swimming yet, but there is always some surfers during good waves.

Uhh and here's some waves for you!

Who else loves to hear the sounds of the sea?

After filming some gorgeous waves, we are heading back towards the beach itsef.

Bye bye, amazing place!
See you again soon!

This is the number one hotel at Songjeong beach. It looks so European, or Mediterranean.

Crazy surfers somewhere there.

It's actually not so crazy because the water was warm enough for me, maybe not for swimming, but for some childish games. 

And they also have wetsuits, so who even cares about cold water.

Yep, these crazy surfers.

They have good, easy waves for practicing!

Lovely stairs!

The view can't get much better than this.

In Busan, every café and restaurant would be glad to have a terrace or balcony like this place does.

I agree, my tea tastes to much better when I'm looking at Songjeong beach at the same time when I'm drinking it.

Ice cream and iced tea.

I don't remember what kind of flavours whe chose, but there were many kinds of tasty combinations that weren't so usual.

Some kind of cappuccino-lemon-chocolate... things.

Evening came to Songjeong beach.

Surfers start gathering their stuff, and couples come here to have a romantic evening walk.

The surfers are still here.

Beautiful sky, beautiful sea.

This place is so full of people during the summer, now it's peaceful, nobody bothers me as I watch the sunset. No hurry, no noisy tourists.

Walking towards the sunset.

Still perfect weather for surfing.

The White House.

Here we could rent some surfing gear, if we would want to. Yeah, maybe someday.

This is some kind of a restaurant plus a wine-bar. 

But anyway, this place has always looked appealing, but I never visited. Yeah, one of those places.

There is so many interesting places and good restaurants and bars in Busan, it's very hard to visit every single one of them in a short period of time.

Palm-trees and lights, this is what makes me so interested. This house somehow looks very European, something like Spanish-German, or some other weird combination :D

Solveig sounds really Scandinavian, right?

And the house could be quite Scandinavian, too.

Bread and pumpkin-soup <3

Whatever I eat, but if there is something that comes out of a pumpkin, I'm happy!

If I could choose one food that I would have to eat a lot for the rest of my life, it would be pumpkin soup.

I think that angels in heaven must eat pumpkin soup everday, too. It's so divine.

And some drinks.
Cherry-margaritas are so good!

One of the best side of Outback is that nobody asks us if we are allowed to drink, they just give us alcohol :D

No no no, that's not a good side at all, though the drinks are good. But the best side is the awesome feeling and the atmosphere that is created by awesome waiters and good food. Also drinks, can't lie about that.

Spanish food in an Australian restaurant in South-Korea.

No, that's not weird at all. It's really lovely.

Spicy quesedillas, or whatever these are called, but it's really good, especially with some hot salsa and french fries on the side.

P.S.: I never finish a plate like this. Never ever. I'm still not as good as eating as the Koreans.

Walking to our bus-stop.

This is the kind of scenery that we see everywhere during night.

And no, this is not dangerous in any way, I always feel safe, even when I'm walking alone in the city or using the subway after midnight.

Feels so much more safe than in Finland for some reason. Maybe because you can just see ahjummas everywhere :D

These blooming trees made my night!

I'm waiting for cherry blossoms so much, and any flowers, especially those who are in the trees, make me feel so happy that it's spring already.

One of the reasons why I like spring, and to be more precise, Korean spring.

It's a pretty and warm night, flowers are starting to bloom and it feels like summer is already close!

It's exciting to wait and see when the first cherry blossoms are going to show themselves, because sometimes that might be pretty early in the spring.

Marine city.

Oh yes, Zenith, that is the name of the big punch of huge houses.

Well, not the biggest houses anymore ;)

Westin Chosun.

There is a pool-section in the first floor, see if there is some naked people :D 

Haha, after naked people... it's time to say good night!

Pretty nice, huh? :)

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