Tuesday 6 August 2013

You Are Beautiful

To anyone who is reading this: You are beautiful. 

Just be yourself, enjoy your life, and don't hide it! 

What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, heard, experienced, felt?

The best thing in life, is when you see a beautiful soul behind a beautiful face. Pure love. That happens when you meet someone who is pretty outside and inside. I'm not talking about meeting a model who gives money for charity, but I'm talking about a person that you meet, doesn't have to be good looking, and you fall in love and later discover that the person has a big heart and a pretty soul. 

I know what people say. They say that "It's hard to find a person who is both beautiful and has a great personality". Wait, maybe you just didn't look close enough. Or you looked too close. Sometimes you need to pay attention to the small details, the little things that make someone so awesome that you just want to spend your life with him/her, dispite the bad sides and not-so-awesome moments. Or maybe you need to learn to see the big picture. Maybe that special someone has bad habits, but those are just unimportant details. If the big picture looks good, ignore the ugly details.

One thing that you should forget completely is the word "perfect"

"Oh my, maybe I should re-consider marrying my girlfriend, I have seen her naked and she has gained weight. Also her teeth are not so good, she has a bad habit of biting her nails, and she has asthma, maybe our kids would have that, too..." 
Stop it, you're not perfect either!

Yes, men and women think like that when they are making a commitment. One last chance to change your opinion. But trust me, even if you would try dating all of the people in the world, you would not find anyone who is perfect. There is some people who would suit your personality better, maybe, but they are not perfect for you either, and you can't live your life chasing someone that is somehow better than the person you have in your life already. 

Only if you are 100% perfect yourself, you can chase someone who is also absolutely perfect. 
If you are perfect, then don't settle for less. 

Talking about settling for less, what is that all about? What is less? And what was that more that you once had? 

We women have dreams about a tall, muscular guy riding to us with a white horse, and he is from a very wealthy family, he has a good job, perfect genes, perfect everything basically. Unless, of course, there is a woman who doesn't like horses. In that case the man comes with a Mercedes most likely.
That dream is what we all want! And we don't settle for less! 

Maybe sometimes the prince is actually a little cute frog. Maybe he doesn't drive a Mercedes, maybe he has a pony instead of a horse. Maybe he is an orphan and you can't even be sure if he has good genes because he looks just... ordinary. Just like any normal guy. Maybe his personality is not so big either, but you will love him anyway. Yes, love. After that anything else doesn't matter, because it's not about what you are, or what he is, but what you two are together.

When you really fall in love, you don't just plan a life together with that special person, you plan to be with him/her for all eternity. So, who cares about anything physical, you just need a healthy body and mind for a while, so that you can live together with the person that is going to be with you forever.

When you want to be with someone forever, is it more important to have a beautiful face and an expensive car, than to have a rich soul and a big heart? 

Isn't it funny that when someone loves you (your body, mind and soul), and says that to you often enough, you start loving yourself, too? Little by little you realize that you are good enough, and even more, you are number one in somebody's scale.

If you love yourself, everyone else will love you, too. Besides, life is not about EVERYONE loving you, it's about the ONE special person loving you. But you still seek for approval by trying to make yourself better all the time, getting depressed if someone else is better than you. Just be yourself! What are you so afraid of?

Worried that you're not enough? - "We are all equal." 
Worried that you're too much? - "We are all just unique."
Worried about money? - "You can't buy love." 
Worried about the future? - "Live in the moment."
Worried about your past? - "It's gone and it made you stronger."
Worried that you are just a normal person? - "We all have imagination!"
Worried that you're too weird? - "For every weird person, there is someone who is even more weird."
Worried that you're too fat? - "More to love!"
Still worried about sizes? - "Good things come in small packages."

We are all different kind of people, and we all like different kind of people. 
Life is that simple. 

If you are worried that you are not perfect: don't be. Nobody is perfect. If you feel like everyone else is perfect and you are nothing compared to them, just think that you can't be compared to anyone, and anyone can't be compared to you. Our society just gives us the image that someone is perfect looking, someone has perfect manners, someone has a perfect life... It's all about how you look at it and what you believe is perfect. 

Having a skinny body, good job, big house, handsome husband and perfectly well-mannered kids... that is not perfect. It looks perfect, and it might be for them, but you have to decide what is perfect in your life. Do you enjoy cooking good food and eating chocolate cake? Then do it! Think about your health, of course, but not too much, we only live once... 
What doesn't kill you, makes you fat, but what doesn't make you fat, makes you miserable. Chocolate cake might just make your life worth living.

And now all the women say "Ok that's it, I'm not going to marry a perfect prince, maybe I won't marry a frog either, but at least I have chocolate cake!" Why can't you have the prince AND the chocolate cake? 

I have an idea. Invite the prince to eat some cake with you. You can both get fat and old while enjoying your lifes together and eating chocolate cake that you made with love. Ewww, that sounded way too sweet... I'm getting diabetes just by reading this. 

...And I think that frogs also like chocolate. Green and brown is a good combination, looks good on the forest, why not in the kitchen. 

Anyway, whoever you are and whoever you love, don't think that you should be perfect, or that he/she should be perfect. We just aren't. But if you can live a happy life with someone, and if you can give happiness to someone's life, then you have all you need. That's it. No need to be perfect when you are happy. 

I don't know who you are and what you look like, but you are beautiful. 

You're amazing, just the way you are.

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