Thursday 15 August 2013

Sharing and caring

People are only trying to look beautiful, not be beautiful.
They show beautiful things, so that other people could be jealous, but they forget how to give and how to share the beauty.

 So many people want to show their beauty to others, but how many are even trying to share it? When was the last time when you shared something with somebody, without asking anything in return? And how many times have you said something beautiful just to make someone happy? 

I have heard that beautiful people are often a bit sniffy. Yes, that might be true. People who think that they are more beautiful than others, often also think that they are more popular and more liked that others. That might not be true, because a person who is only beautiful on the outside, is often in the end less liked than those people who have a big heart and a generous mind. 

 Beauty is not only in your appereance, but also in your actions.

If you want people to like you, you need to like them. 
That is the number one rule. You can possibly be a good friend to someone, if you're not interested in him/her even a little bit. You truly have to care. And show it. 

 If you care about other people around you, they will care about you. That is what "showing your inner beauty" means. You can't be a show-off who looks beautiful, has the most beautiful clothes, most beautiful house and most gorgeous boyfriend. And no, I'm not asking anyone to share their boyfriends, I'm just saying that people should not think about what they have, but they can give. 

Bill Gates is more rich than 140 nations. 
If all the rich people would donate half of their money to the poor, there would be no famine. 

That is really something to think about... Do you want to live as a rich person or do you want to live a rich life? I think that if you have a lot of money, you are a rich person. But if you have a lot to give, you will live a rich life. 

If you care, you share. 

The wisdom of life, that I'm always trying to follow is in Finnish "Rikas olet silloin kun voit paljon lahjoittaa", which means that you are rich when you have a lot to give. 
Those words are from a song, that I heard when I was a young girl. Also at the time I became familiar with a denomination or a way of believing, that you have to give away everything you have and live a simple life with no luxury, survive with the smallest possible amount of money through your whole life. 

I started thinking if I could live like that. Could you? 
One of the biggest joys of life is to give, but also to get. When you feel depressed about something, isn't it the best think in the world to go shopping and buy a new shirt that makes you look pretty? And I don't know about other people, but I want to give and get presents, I want to travel and save money to make my dreams come true. 

Ok, if I would have to abandon my plans to spend a weekend shopping with friends and a trip to an amusement park to save a life of a child who is dying because he doesn't have any food, I would definitely give my money away. It's just so hard to give up my dreams to help someone else, and it might save someone's life. Maybe.

There is many kinds of organizations that let ordinary people help those who are in need of shelter, food and clean water. This is a good thing. It makes us feel good when we can send money to someone who will need it more than us. But maybe we don't notice that we should also help those people who are closer to us... 

If you don't have any money, you can still help. 
Who said that people need only money to live? Rich people might need our help, too, it's not only the poor people that need something. Somebody close to you might need a helping hand with some problem, might need someone who would listen and give advices. 

Little things do count. 

You might have shared your drink with someone who was thirsty, you might have given bus-money to a stranger, you might have helped someone to carry some luggage. How did that make you feel? Yeah, it feels good to help, and it also feels good to be helped. So, next time when you have a chance, share some of the beauty of mind, and help. 

Again... If you care, you share. 
You don't have to give away your money. It doesn't cost you anything to be nice. 

   Just smile, say something nice to make someone happy. Little things do count, and if you do beautiful things, you will receive beautiful things in return. If you believe that, you will live a rich and beautiful life.

Don't just look beautiful, be beautiful.


  1. Liityin liitysäki:)

    1. Sulla on kyllä tosi kivannäkönen blogi :)
