Friday 17 April 2015

Just life

When the name of the post is "just life", it's only convenient to start it with some thoughts about food. 

Guys, something great happened! During summer 2014 I found a my new favourite ice cream! Macaron ice cream is quite a big trend in Korea these days. 

 If you have tasted Blueberry Macaron you know how heaven tastes like! It's like eating frozen tears of happiness straight from heaven. 

Now that I think about it all of my favourite desserts are purple. Coincidence? Yeah, I didn't think so. 

Then moving on to not that delicious things, first of all going to work. I liked it though, it's seriously quite fun to be at work when you like your coworkers and what you do. 

On a sunny day everything is nice, especially hanging some sheets outside to dry. 

Bored while visiting the hairdresser. This is not my natural habitat though, usually I stay away from this kind of places, but well, nobody touched MY hair so I'm fine. Before moving to Busan I had visited the hairdresser when I was maybe 14. 

The hairdressers in Korea are quite cheap compared to Finland, but I still prefer cutting and dyeing my hair by myself. I'm fine with just watching other people lose their hair, I don't wanna see my own hair on the floor, thank you very much... 

While visiting a market I notice some hyvä hyvä... Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan! 

Finland is everywhere. 

Playing with some kids in Dongdaemun. 

A North-Korean submarine..? 
Sorry that wasn't even a good joke but why am I still laughing. 

This would be a meaningless post without some delicious pictures. 

This restaurant is called Urban Sheriff and it's located in the middle of Hongdae. They have the best seafood pasta! 

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