Thursday 9 April 2015

The story continues!

"Honey I'm home!" 

I moved back to Korea during summer 2014. As you people may know I studied in Busan before, and now after finding a job in Seoul I was really eager to embrace my new surroundings. I was writing a thesis about sustainable development in Korea, so I needed to do some field trips, which was more than fine for me! Actually it was a dream come true. Who wouldn't like going around, seeing places, talking to people, reading articles, making notes, being outside in the sun... I was researching and writing so much that I didn't have any time for blogging! At some point I started a new hobby: Instagram. The rest is history. I've been using Instagram since autumn 2014 quite a lot, and you can always see my daily life there (minjahietaniemi)! 

"I'm baaaaack!"

Returning to Korea felt funny. Well, moving to Korea in the first place felt funny since I didn't have any jetlag or some-sickness, and since the first moment I thought about Busan as my home. I visited Seoul while studying there, yes, but that is always different than actually living in Seoul. It's such a big, vibrant, exciting city! There are many things I wanted to explore while living in Busan, but never had time to visit many of those places. The best thing in Seoul is... Well, I can't name just one, but I like the feeling of a true metropolitan city! Everything is so clean, modern and easy, and still Seoul offers that little Asian twist, that ancient glory that you can see everywhere. 

"Your home is where your heart is."

One of the best things in a big city is going out when the evening gets darker. After a hot, sunny day it's so refreshing to feel a gentle wind and take a little walk, look at all the exciting things, meet new people, see the neon-signs and feel like this is where I belong! I'm a person who loves the nature, so you might be wondering how I could ever feel at home in a metropolitan city such as Seoul. It's really simple: I like change. After spending a few months in a little town in western Finland it's really nice to feel the vibe of a big city! And the neon-lights, they are a threat to the environment, sure, but aren't they just pretty? I know, I'm still trying to figure our whether I like the city-life more than untouched nature and little wooden houses in the middle of Finnish countryside. Maybe I like both equally! 

One thing is for sure: Korea is the home of my heart. 

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